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Image by Annie Spratt

To enhance and maintain engagement by gaining understanding through interactions that are judgement and deficit-free. 

Meaningful relationships, effective communication, empathy and cultural competence all contribute to knowing a students needs and potential.


To achieve sustainable outcomes for whānau and ākonga while networking with agencies, support services, and learning supports.

Guiding our whānau to appropriate resources to support them and their tamariki, which are sustainable and future-focussed.


Supporting sustainable re-engagement in a deficit and barrier free environment

  • Ākonga are actively re-engaged in learning.


  • Ākonga recognise their own strengths and skills.


  • Ākonga are gaining new experiences and face new challenges.


  • Ākonga are resilient and strong. 

  • Ākonga have access to pathways that are deficit and barrier free.  Creating a deficit and barrier-free education pathway requires a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, and a willingness to adapt as needed to meet the needs of all students.  


Supporting kura in ensuring they have robust and proactive practices in place for managing attendance.

Working with pastoral teams to identify those with irregular or moderate absences and develop consistent processes and effective practices to reduce those ākonga falling into chronically absent patterns of attendance.


Connecting important stakeholders with our kura to support the importance of engagement.

Working with schools, parent communities, whānau, hapu, iwi, governance groups etc to understand drivers of dis-engagement and  how we as a region can address attendance issues.

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